Last month, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) announced that mandatory five-year electrical installation checks on private rented housing in England will be introduced in a phased approach.
Housing Minister, Heather Wheeler MP, announced that renters will receive better protection thanks to new measures designed to ensure mandatory electrical inspections are carried out by competent and qualified inspectors.
Landlords will be legally required to ensure the inspectors they hire to carry out safety inspections have the necessary competence and qualifications to do so, with tough financial penalties for those who fail to comply.
Ministers have also introduced tough new powers for councils to tackle the small minority of rogue landlords who rent out poor quality properties, including fines of up to £30,000 and banning orders for Landlords who do not comply.
According to David Cox, Chief Executive from ARLA Propertymark, “Since July 2018, we have been expecting the Government to announce an implementation date for mandatory five-yearly electrical checks. Despite MHCLG’s announcement last month, we are still unsure of when exactly that will be. Government needs to publish the corresponding Guidance as soon as time allows.”
Whilst the implementation date has not yet been clarified, MHCLG has stated its intention to introduce legislation as soon as parliamentary time allows, with Letting Agents and Landlords being given at least six months to familiarise with the new legislation before it comes into force.
Arla Propertymark advises that a transitional period will apply for two years. In year one, all new private tenancies will be affected and in year two all existing tenancies will come within the scope.
Scott Littlefair, Managing Director, at Littlefairs Property Company comments, “The Government must ensure that there is sufficient time for practical implementation to take place. We are already sourcing fully qualified practitioners to ensure we have sufficient time and resource for practical implementation to take place. We welcome the requirement for inspectors to hold the correct qualifications in order to perform electrical safety checks in private rental properties, helping to ensure our tenants are safe.”
For more information or advice on letting a property or safety check requirements, please contact one of our experienced team on 01904 393989.